Tag Archives: Issue 20170629

North Shore Shape Up: On the topic of alcohol and heart health…

You’ve no doubt heard that an occasional glass of red wine is good for your heart. That’s not wrong, but be aware that the truth is more complex. As Cleveland Clinic Wellness points out:

With some studies throughout the years indicating that adults who drink moderately have lower rates of heart disease than people who abstain, the notion that “alcohol is good for your heart” took hold. But examining the data more closely leads to a different conclusion, according to a new research analysis. Since the group of abstainers also included former drinkers who quit for health reasons and people who never drank because of poor health, the link between moderate alcohol consumption and better heart health may be misleading. And indeed, studies that account for people’s baseline health have shown less benefit.

The clinic’s recommendation: “For your heart, stick with the habits that have been shown to help, such as regular exercise, a diet that’s rich in colorful vegetables and beneficial fats, and caring, supportive relationships.”