Managers celebrate success at special event

Kerri Collins is pumped for her team’s lawn bowling victory over Brian Bozek’s.
The bank’s top-performing managers met outside Milwaukee’s Wisconsin Club for a special event on June 27 to celebrate their efforts.
The Branch Administration team holds such an event every year, VP Craig Witz said. This year, the top two managers from each district — based on sales production and customer service — were invited, along with district managers.
The group gathered at the Wisconsin Club at 4 p.m. and then boarded the Milwaukee trolley. Activities for the evening included lawn bowling at Lake Park, a stroll through the historic Old World Third Street district, and dinner at the Wisconsin Club. See who the attendees were and check out more pictures!
Tosa returns to Fourth parade, hangs with camels

Bank employees with their float for the parade. In front: El Rey assistant branch manager Maria Castro, Tosa teller Jazmin Vela, and Tosa universal banker Martha Castro. Back row: volunteer Dulce Castro and Tosa teller supervisor Allison Gadbois.
Staff from our Wauwatosa branch had a blast taking part in the town’s Fourth of July parade this year. “We got so many compliments on our float, and we ran into quite a few customers who were so glad to see us back in the parade after taking a few years off,” reports teller Jazmin Vela.
The employees got to hang out with some camels beforehand, too. Read more and see more photos!
Attendees enjoy burgers, more at Howard kickoff

Rachel, Tavie, Brittany, and Emmeline at the kickoff.
About 20 people attended Howard-Suamico’s summer kickoff on June 23. “We grilled hamburgers and gave away kids’ bags full of fun toys and activity books,” branch manager Tavie Folk said. “We also walked customers out to the video teller machine to help familiarize them with it, and talked to non-customers about our $200 checking promo!”
Other employees who helped out at the event included universal bankers Rachel Everard and Brittany Gay, and personal banker Emmeline Knight. Tavie’s husband, Mike, ran the grill. •••
Allouez wins new business at ice cream social

Olivia, making sweet dreams come true.
Our Allouez branch put on an ice cream social on June 7. “It sparked a lot of great conversation about our current checking promotion, and we opened two checking accounts!” reports universal banker Olivia Vechart. “People who came in to make their tax payments thought it was really neat we were offering ice cream, and the kids also loved the summer fun packets we gave away.” •••
Promotions for June 2017
The following employees were promoted in June:
- Lauren Carley was promoted from Teller to Teller Supervisor at Sussex.
- Samantha Damman was promoted from Universal Banker to Personal Banker at Greendale.
- Audrey Elliott was promoted from Teller to Teller Supervisor at East.
Leave a comment to congratulate them!
Kudos: Tori Remstad
Craig Witz, VP, Branch Sales Manager, passes along this customer compliment for universal banker Tori Remstad at Grafton:
Victoria’s patience, communication skills, and professional demeanor are of the highest standard one might ever experience in the business world.
Congratulations, and thank you for helping this customer navigate a difficult situation, Tori! •••
North Shore Shape Up: Yoga fights stress, affects DNA
Meditation, yoga, and tai chi get a lot of positive buzz. But they might deserve even more, according to research cited by Cleveland Clinic Wellness, which says: “According to a new study, these and other mind-body practices may help to counteract changes in your DNA — no kidding! — that can lead to ailments ranging from depression to cancer.”
Here’s the scoop:
Researchers reviewed 18 studies done over the course of 11 years and found that practices like yoga and meditation left a beneficial genetic “signature.” When we experience a stressful event, genes are activated to produce an inflammatory response in the body, which is useful in temporary “fight or flight” situations, like running away when you’re in danger. But in the case of chronic stress, this inflammatory response can increase your risk of physical and psychiatric illness. Among people who had engaged in practices such as yoga and meditation, however, researchers saw the opposite effect: lower levels of inflammatory markers, a reversal of pro-inflammatory genetic expression, and a lower risk of inflammation-related diseases.
If you’re already practicing yoga or something similar, keep it up! And if you’re not, consider adding meditation of some kind to your daily routing. •••
Upcoming Events
Window Washing Wednesdays in Appleton will take place next Wednesday, July 19, and on July 26. Use the drive-up video teller at our Northland branch and get your windshield washed! More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings •••
- Personal Banker, Kenosha Main, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: July 14.
- Customer Assistance Rep, CSC, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Ongoing.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!