Tag Archives: Issue 20170713

North Shore Shape Up: Meditation may counteract stress-related ills

Meditation, yoga, and tai chi get a lot of positive buzz. But they might deserve even more, according to research cited by Cleveland Clinic Wellness, which says: “According to a new study, these and other mind-body practices may help to counteract changes in your DNA — no kidding! — that can lead to ailments ranging from depression to cancer.”

Here’s the scoop:

Researchers reviewed 18 studies done over the course of 11 years and found that practices like yoga and meditation left a beneficial genetic “signature.” When we experience a stressful event, genes are activated to produce an inflammatory response in the body, which is useful in temporary “fight or flight” situations, like running away when you’re in danger. But in the case of chronic stress, this inflammatory response can increase your risk of physical and psychiatric illness. Among people who had engaged in practices such as yoga and meditation, however, researchers saw the opposite effect: lower levels of inflammatory markers, a reversal of pro-inflammatory genetic expression, and a lower risk of inflammation-related diseases.

If you’re already practicing yoga or something similar, keep it up! And if you’re not, consider adding meditation of some kind to your daily routing.