SOAR Together Tributes: August 2017
Molly Schissler has the latest winners of our Seymour Salutes awards. Check it out here!
NSB launching Debit eAlerts
North Shore Bank will be launching a new service for our debit card customers called Debit eAlerts. Customers will now be able to register their North Shore Bank debit cards to receive a text message or email alerting them when their card is used. Karen DeGarmo has more information — including how to try out the new service — here.
Thousands show up for Wagfest

A couple of visitors to the North Shore Bank booth at Wagfest.
Around 5,000 people came out this year for Wagfest, the Elmbrook Humane Society’s annual event, which took place September 9 at Mitchell Park in Brookfield. “It’s a day of fun, sun, and fur, and this year was no exception!” Brookfield Square area branch manager Margie Brusa said. “The weather cooperated and made for large crowds.” Check out more photos and information here!
Colleagues fete retiring Mary Schulz

Electronic banking specialists Kelly LaBonte and Sharon Ott, Mary, Wendy, debit risk specialist Peggy Theisen, senior debit risk specialist Bertha Huerta, and electronic banking specialist Jeni Mooney at the party.
Colleagues wished retiring electronic banking specialist Mary Schulz farewell last Friday, September 22, at a gathering in Corporate’s 4 Corners Café. About 30 people showed up for lunch from Champps and cake, including chairman and CEO Jim McKenna and president and COO Jay McKenna, as well as colleagues from many departments.
“We gave Mary several gifts, including sponsoring an elephant — Ruth — at the Milwaukee County Zoo for one year,” Mary’s supervisor, electronic banking AVP Wendy Gyles, said. “She loves elephants!” •••
Employees celebrate major anniversaries
Several North Shore Bank employees celebrated milestone service anniversaries with the bank this month, and we have pictures of a few! Check out photos of regional VP Tricia Cravillion, mailroom assistant Colleen Moore, Howard-Suamico branch manager Tavie Folk, and Menasha assistant branch manager–operations Jill Heule — they’re all here.
Commercial banking team drops off root beer floats

Commercial client Peter Schwabe (left) and one of his team enjoy their root beer floats.
Our commercial banking team brought root beer floats — or the makings for them, anyway — to the folks at clients Peter Schwabe Inc. and Advantage Leasing last Friday, September 22. VP Margaret Capper had the idea to provide something cool to ward off the 90-degree heat. Lending sales specialist Jody Moore picked up the soda, and VPs Timothy Nemec and Phil Ostroski delivered everything. Refreshing! •••
Burlington’s Justin Kasten gets married

North Shore Bank personnel and family members with the bride and groom. From left: Dwain and Burlington branch manager Robin Callis, teller supervisor Jayme Clarey, Justin and Melissa, and former teller Beth Patzer and husband Andy.
Burlington personal banker Justin Kasten married his fiancée, Melissa, earlier this month. Colleagues joined him to celebrate the special occasion. •••
New Hires for September 28
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
East teller Alison Dalbom just moved to Wisconsin from southern Missouri this month with her fiancé, who is attending grad school at UW-Milwaukee. She was previously a supplemental instructor for the University of Central Missouri’s cultural anthropology courses. “I have decided to broaden my horizons by taking on a job in the financial industry!” she says. “It has been a good transition moving to Wisconsin, and I am excited about my new job here.” Alison loves cycling and says she’s enjoying getting to know Milwaukee County’s bike paths.
Customer assistance rep Samantha Irwin is from the north side of Milwaukee and previously worked in collections for We Energies. She says, “I’m addicted to coffee, love dogs more than people, and I’m terrified of grasshoppers. I just really don’t like them.”
Ashwaubenon teller Nicole Moore is from Green Bay and previously worked for seven years at Wisconsin Medical Credit Union. She is quite short, she says — “four-foot-eleven and 5/8ths inches, to be exact!” And yes, people mention it all the time: “I have been with North Shore about a month, and about seven people commented on my height, and at least three said I need to get a stool, LOL.”
Philip Ostroski, VP–Business Banking, Commercial Lending, was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, noting that he’s a lifetime member of the “Black and Gold Sports Nations” for fans of the Pirates, Steelers, and Penguins. However, he has lived and worked as a middle-market business lender in southeast Wisconsin since 1981. Philip lives in a 114-year-old farmhouse in Vernon and co-founded the Turnaround Management Association of Wisconsin.
Customer assistance rep Megan Tatum-Massey is from Milwaukee and was previously a personal banker at the BMO Harris Contact Center. “I love to race with my 6-year-old son in Mario Kart!” she says, noting that her favorite character to race as is Daisy. “He gets angry when I beat him!” She also loves singing with her 2-year-old daughter. “We sing Bruno Mars 24-7!” •••
Keep Weight Watchers at North Shore Bank
Want to drop some pounds before winter sets in? We are looking for more people to join our fall Weight Watchers At Work group here at North Shore Bank.
Anybody can join — you can even have a family member join with you. We have meetings at Corporate, but if you work at a branch, you can sign up through the bank and then go to any Weight Watchers meeting that is convenient for you. Payroll deduction is also available for easy payments.
Weight Watchers has been ranked the no. 1 weight-loss program in the country. It’s the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off. It’s not a fad diet like other programs. This is a program you can stick to for life.
So if you have been thinking about losing some pounds, now is the time to join Weight Watchers and help us keep the At Work program alive at North Shore Bank. There will be a free gift for everybody who joins.
The new session starts October 13. Contact Nancy Hanson by tomorrow, Friday, September 29, for more information on how to get started. •••
North Shore Shape Up: Coffee and sugar cravings
Coffee may make your sweet tooth harder to resist, research says. According to Cleveland Clinic Wellness, participants in a study who drank regular coffee with sugar rated the beverage as less sweet than those who drank decaf with the same amount of sugar. The explanation:
Caffeine “works” by temporarily suppressing the receptors in the brain that promote relaxation and sleepiness. And it so happens that those receptors are also linked to the ability to taste sweetness. It’s not hard to see, then, how regular coffee may encourage you to add extra sugar to your cup or opt for sweet treats on the side.
“Keep that in mind the next time you pour yourself a cup, and pre-plan your accompanying food accordingly,” the clinic advises. Options like eggs or oatmeal are generally better for you than a doughnut anyway. •••
Upcoming Events
The Layton Boulevard West Tour of Homes will take place this Saturday, September 30, at Milwaukee’s Urban Ecology Center. Find out about homes for sale now and grants that can help with down payments. Please RSVP to attend. More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings •••
- Teller, Sussex, part time, 28 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: TODAY.
- Universal Banker, Sussex, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: TODAY.
- Video Teller Specialist, Brookfield Square, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: September 29.
- Universal Banker, Grafton, part time, 20 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: September 29.
- Teller, El Rey, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: October 2.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!