Tag Archives: Issue 20171019

North Shore Shape Up: Natural heartburn remedies worth trying

Constant heartburn getting you down? Harvard Medical School notes some herbal remedies worth trying before you start popping antacids:

  • Chamomile tea can help, though should be avoided if you’re allergic to ragweed.
  • People have been using ginger to alleviate heartburn and other gastrointestinal distress for centuries.
  • Research suggests that licorice is good for neutralizing heartburn. You can take DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) in pill or liquid form.

If you’re experiencing ongoing heartburn and these remedies don’t offer any relief, talk to your physician about medications that are safe to use over the long term. And avoid or limit foods and beverages that are highly acidic (like coffee) until the problem is under control.