Bank announces promotions to upper ranks
North Shore Bank promoted a number of its people, effective January 1 of this year. Please take a look and see some of the branch employees who received a bump!
SOAR Together Tributes: December 2017
Molly Schissler has last month’s winners of our Seymour Salutes awards — see them here!
Fox Point staff decorate tree, don sweaters

Ugly sweater contest participants Carol, personal banker Mariella Zarb, assistant branch manager Michele Padovano, teller Crystal Moore, teller supervisor Tenisha Pace, and universal banker Victoria Beadle.
Fox Point marked the winter holidays with the branch’s third annual tree decorating contest and an ugly sweater contest on December 20. “Our theme this year was a star, and I love the creativity and individuality that shines through!” branch manager Carol Bergen said. Investment sales assistant Emily Haskey won the decorating contest. See the tree here. •••
Northside, Westgate share cookies for holidays

Northside employees teller Kate Kretschmar, teller supervisor Julie Nelson, Lisa, teller Rosanna Mendicino, and assistant branch manager–sales Cathy Straka, showing off their delicious handiwork.
Our Northside and Westgate branches in Racine participated in a cookie exchange on December 21. Employees at both locations baked and brought in cookies to share with their colleagues for the holidays. Some of the homemade treats shared at each office were pecan fingers, mint truffles, holiday brownies, spritz cookies, and homemade cannolis, reports area manager Lisa Brooks. •••
Kudos for January 11
An awesome compliment for two employees at our Silver Spring branch, teller supervisor Tawanda Kelly and assistant branch manager–sales Shamika Harris:
These two women should be training others in customer service. Having been in the mortgage business for 25 years, I know quality service. Shamika helped me with a large financial transaction, and not only did she walk me to my car, she also called our home to ensure I made it home safely — now that is service, over and beyond. Tawanda very recently helped me with numerous transactions that I had to make after my husband passed in September. I thought it was going to be an ordeal. It was not. Tawanda was so compassionate, and her thoroughness made the process go smoothly. I left knowing that she had taken care of everything that needed to be done with our accounts. If you do not recognize these two women, I have to say shame on you; however, I hope you do — they certainly deserve it.
Great work, Shamika! Nice job, Tawanda! Thanks for always giving our customers your very best. •••
Howard’s Knight gets engaged

Emmeline shows off her ring in this photo with fiancé David.
Howard-Suamico personal banker Emmeline Knight got engaged over the holidays. She reports that her fiancé, David, joined her and her parents for a small get-together on Emmeline’s birthday, bringing along a giant box. “When I opened it, there were 12 dozen white roses,” she says. “Once I looked up, he was on his knee and proposed! Was definitely a birthday I’ll never forget!” Congratulations to you and David, Emmeline! •••
North Shore Shape Up: Don’t ignore hot flashes
Hot flashes and night sweats are common for women around the age of menopause, but if they’re severe, they can lead to further health problems, Cleveland Clinic Wellness notes. “Research shows a link between hot flashes and heart disease, and according to a new study, both hot flashes and night sweats may also signal a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Women whose hot flashes started later in perimenopause and who also experienced night sweats had the highest risk of diabetes,” the clinic says.
If you are experiencing symptoms like this, you’ll want to both talk with your physician and start making changes to improve your health — such as exercising regularly, drinking less, and eating a diet rich with whole foods and noninflammatory nutrients. Cleveland Clinic adds: “New data also suggests that hormone therapy with a bioidentical estrogen patch or cream and a micronized progesterone pill coupled with baby aspirin may have much more benefit than prior studies seemed to indicate. So if hot flashes disrupt your life, and lifestyle alone is not enough to mend it, talk to your doc about this too.” •••
Upcoming Events
North Shore Bank is part of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce’s second annual Hot Chocolate Fest, which takes place Friday, January 19, Saturday, January 20, and Sunday, January 21. Enjoy ice-skating, s’mores, and campfire storytelling on Friday evening. On Saturday, there will be a hot chocolate tasting contest, more skating, broomball, snowman decorating, and other activities. Sunday will include a 5K, pancake breakfast, and sledding. More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings •••
- Branch Manager, Fox Point, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: E12. Referral bonus: $750. Internal closing date: January 12.
- Teller, Kenosha Central, part time, 20 hours/week. Pay grade: N09. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: January 12.
- Treasury Solutions Specialist, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: N19. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: January 15.
- Customer Assistance Representative, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Pay grade: N12. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Ongoing.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!