Deposit services rep Marsha Nowak retires next Friday.
“When I left other places, I always had a job in place!” says deposit services representative Marsha Nowak, who retires next Friday, March 30. “So this is going to be different.”
Marsha started at North Shore Bank in 2008, after her position was eliminated when BMO Harris purchased her employer at the time, Merchants and Manufacturers Bank. She worked in the call center there, and had previously spent about 15 years as a teller at Associated Bank.
Before she got into banking, Marsha says, she planned to do something else.
“I actually was hoping to be a math teacher, but I changed my mind, because I don’t do real well with public speaking,” she says. She notes that she still enjoys math, and that banking has given her plenty of opportunity to practice it.
Marsha says her transition to working at North Shore Bank was made easier by all the help she got from her new colleagues. She cites customer care specialist Kattia Xiong and Jude Lengell, VP, customer support as particular sources of support.
“Kattie was my mentor,” Marsha says. “She taught me just about everything when I came to North Shore — all of my legal. I still go to her when I have something I don’t understand! And Jude has been a person I could always confide in — she has really made me feel good after our talks.”
Marsha says she’ll miss her work family most of all. But she looks forward to spending more time with her grandkids: 11-year-old Karmyn, 9-year-old Avery, and 5-year-old Rhys.
As for her immediate plans, they’re pretty straightforward.
“Right now I just want to take it easy,” Marsha says. “No alarms!”