Tag Archives: Issue 20180405

North Shore Shape Up: Using technology can hurt your body

We frequently hear about the effects of digital technology on our attention spans and general mental health, but Harvard Health notes that using computers and handheld devices can have an adverse impact on our bodies, too: The repetitive motions involved in typing, swiping, and tapping can exacerbate hand pain or numbness and tingling. Electronics also often impact our posture, which can lead to neck and back pain.

The post says:

It’s not true that typing on a laptop or desktop keyboard will cause carpal tunnel syndrome—a condition in which the median nerve is compressed as it passes through a small area at the wrist known as the carpal tunnel. But … typing may bring out the symptoms of the condition, such as pain, tingling, and numbness in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and inner half of the ring finger.

If you are suffering from chronic physical discomfort resulting from use of devices, you’ll want to consider changing how you operate them. For instance: “If texting with your thumbs causes pain, you may need to use other fingers to text, or use a stylus.” For more tips, you can visit the link or read the Harvard Health post as a PDF.