We received a long and very gracious thank-you note from a customer who worked with New Berlin branch manager Sara Swosinski. Here’s what it says:

Sara Swosinski
My husband and I went in to open a joint checking account. My husband has been with North Shore since he was a teenager, so he was happy to open the account there. I was leaning towards a credit union. Because we have our mortgage through North Shore, I agreed to opening our joint account there. We went in to meet with Sara, and I loved her from just her greeting. She was so sweet, and you could tell she truly cared about us and our decisions (huge for me — I don’t want to be just another number in a big company). She explained everything to us and all of the options in such a way that we both walked away confident we’d done everything right, and that if by chance our needs change or a problem arises, we know she’s the one to come to.
She made me feel like I really was in such good, caring hands that I decided a week later to move my own personal accounts and my son’s account over to North Shore as well. The three of us in my family all met with Sara. We all walked away happy, the transition was easy, and she even made us feel excited for our change in banking.
I was particularly happy with the way she spoke to my 15-year-old son about his new account. She told him to come into the branch and talk to her if he needs help with anything and that she would get him started with text alerts and online monitoring. He was impressed with how much she cared about him and his money even though he’s “just a kid.”
Sara is awesome! We all loved her, and we all commented on how cool and sweet she was with each of us. I am incredibly grateful for her.
“This really sums up the customer experience we want to deliver each and every day,” says vice president and branch sales manager Craig Witz. Excellent work, Sara!