Tag Archives: Issue 20181025

North Shore Shape Up: Best ways to treat heartburn

If you’re suffering from heartburn on a regular basis, Harvard Health has some advice for you on the best ways to treat it:

The fastest treatment is to neutralize the acid already in the stomach and lower esophagus by taking an over-the-counter antacid. While antacids work within minutes, they often don’t last, so you may have to take repeated doses until symptoms subside.

For longer-lasting relief, you can try an H2 blocker, which stops stomach cells from making acid. There are several over-the-counter brands of H2 blockers, such as cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid), and ranitidine (Zantac). Generic versions also are available. H2 blockers come as a pill, liquid, or chewable or effervescent tablet. Most people react well to all of them.

The blog notes that H2 blockers take a little while to kick in, and that if neither of these options works, you can try a proton-pump inhibitor like Prevacid or Prilosec. If none of these solutions improves your heartburn within 10 days, make an appointment with your doctor.

Art by Shelly.