Star Coach Karen and daughter on the run Amelia, a third-grader.
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To support Girls on the Run:
The GOTR of Southeastern Wisconsin Fall 5K takes place this Sunday, November 18, at Miller Park! Come out to cheer on these young runners as they complete this milestone race. And GOTR is always looking for volunteers in both southeast and northeast WI.
This week, Girls on the Run of Southeastern Wisconsin named product and channel marketing manager Karen DeGarmo a Star Coach. The nonprofit youth organization helps girls in grades 3 through 8 become resilient, healthy, involved members of their communities through a 10-week program that culminates in running a 5K. Karen has coached for the group since the program came to her daughters’ Evelyn and Amelia’s school three years ago. “Running is something I am passionate about, and I wanted to share it with my daughters and their friends,” she says. Karen talked to Shorelines about her coaching experiences and why GOTR matters to her.
What do your coaching duties entail, in terms of activities and time commitment?
The GOTR program is very unique in that it isn’t just about running; the provided curriculum also helps girls to learn about what inspires them, and helps them build self-esteem and learn about teamwork. Lessons involve talking about specific topics such as positive self-talk, exploring emotions, and teamwork. After the discussion, we have a game-type warm-up followed by a workout, all of which builds on the topic of the day. At the end of each practice, we recognize a girl or girls with an Energy Award — this is usually everyone’s favorite part of practice. Just Google “GOTR energy awards” and you will get a sampling of the fun.
What’s your previous coaching and running experience?
I’ve been a runner since high school and have completed half marathons as well as triathlons. I’ve been a swim coach, a tennis coach, a Girl Scout troop leader, a youth karate instructor, and now I coach running. I’m also a USA Swimming official.
Why is Girls on the Run important to you?
I really love this program. First, the organization provides coaches with a lot of support, as well as a well-thought-out curriculum, which makes coaching easy — anyone can be a coach. You don’t need to be a runner; you just have to want to inspire girls. But the thing I love the most is seeing the girls grow and take pride in their accomplishments. When a girl realizes how far she’s come from the beginning of the season — from walking half a mile to running 3.1 miles — it is an amazing feeling.
How can other folks at North Shore Bank support Girls on the Run?
GOTR is always looking for volunteers (see links above). And in fact, our fall 5K race is this Sunday at Miller Park — you can still sign up to run or just come out and cheer the girls on!