We got a few responses to our Question of the Month. Here they are — and happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Katie Presser, Area Manager, Pulaski/Howard
I am thankful for this view — this exact spot on Planting Ground Lake in Three Lakes, Wisconsin. Growing up, I was fortunate to spend my summers and holidays at my grandparents’ cottage up north. This is my single favorite place to be — this view makes me think of family, fishing, happiness, and peacefulness. On this dock, I’ve brought home countless bluegill and perch after fishing trips with my grandpa, seen beautiful sunsets and colorful leaves, skated on the ice in the winter — and I caught my very first muskie standing right there! I have a million memories from this view, and I will always be thankful for this special place.
Jennifer Heacox, Personal Banker, Brookfield Square
I am thankful that I live in a community with good public schools. I live in Elkhorn and have two boys, ages 11 and 13. My older son has autism and ADHD. Elkhorn schools have done a terrific job with speech and occupational therapy — my son started both at age 3. His teachers and principal email about his progress on a regular basis. My younger son loves all the clubs and sports he participates in year-round. All students are given iPads or Chromebooks to keep for completing their schoolwork.
Tim Dotson, AVP, Facilities and Services Manager

Tim at far left, playing baritone saxophone with the Hartland Community Band.
I am thankful for music. It can soothe, heal, excite, calm, and even bring people together — and nothing teaches you that more than performing music for others. I am very blessed to play concerts at assisted living homes with the Milwaukee Letter Carriers’ Band, and I watch the years melt away when the residents hear an old favorite tune. What an awesome sight to see a 90-plus-year-old get up out of a wheelchair to chant “Pennsylvania 6-5000!” We do approximately 40 concerts a year at senior homes across southeast Wisconsin. I’m pretty sure the folks at the homes are thankful we come, too!