Tag Archives: Issue 20190418

North Shore Shape Up: Exercise can slow down effects of aging

Obviously, exercise is good for us. But new research suggests it can actually serve as a fountain of youth! Cleveland Clinic Wellness reports:

When researchers compared a group of older men and women who had exercised for most of their adult lives with a group who hadn’t, they found some startling differences. Unlike the group who were not active, the life-long exercisers retained their muscle mass and strength, didn’t experience increases in body fat or cholesterol, and had the same immune-system functioning as much younger adults. In other words, the regular exercisers avoided some of the “normal” declines of aging. But here’s another way of thinking about it: Being sedentary speeds up the aging process, whereas being active is our body’s natural, normal, healthy state!

In other words, it’s a good idea to be aware of how much time you spend sitting every day, whether it’s at a desk, in the car, or on the couch. To start feeling younger, get your body moving more often.