Tag Archives: Issue 20190606

North Shore Shape Up: A happy marriage may mean longer life

There are a lot of reasons to keep your spouse happy, but you may not have heard this one before. As Cleveland Clinic Wellness reports:

A new study suggests that your spouse’s happiness may affect your longevity, too. Among the study participants, those with a happy partner were less likely to die during the eight-year study than those with an unhappy partner. … We know that there’s a link between being satisfied with your life, experiencing less perceived stress, and engaging in healthy habits like exercising regularly and eating well — and we also know that spouses’ lifestyle choices tend to mirror each other. And you may know from experience that moods can be contagious in close quarters.

What to do if you and your better half aren’t in a great place? The clinic recommends doing simple things like taking more walks together or taking a class together. “Continuous learning and mastering skills can increase happiness, so support each other in pursuing interests and dreams,” the clinic says. “Together, you can create an upward spiral of happiness and good health.”