Tag Archives: Issue 20190613

North Shore Shape Up: What you eat affects your anxiety

If you have anxiety, your diet might play a role in it. As Cleveland Clinic Wellness notes:

In a recent review of studies, researchers found that regulating bacteria in the gut may ease anxiety. If that sounds farfetched, consider that the gut houses the enteric nervous system (ENS), a collection of more than 100 million neurons that’s often called the second brain. The ENS communicates back and forth with the primary brain (the one in your head!), and this communication not only controls digestion but is also thought to influence emotions and thinking. We know that a plant-oriented, whole-foods diet with lots of fiber can help to support a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut—and that eating lots of processed food, sugar, and meat (the usual suspects!) can have the opposite effect.

The clinic adds that “probiotic-rich foods that contain good bacteria, like yogurt and sauerkraut, may help, too.”