Tag Archives: Issue 20190912

New Hires for September 12

It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.

Union Grove teller Rose Gagliardo is from Kenosha and previously worked as a key holder/beauty consultant for two well-known beauty retailers. She says, “I really enjoy learning new techniques and beauty tricks for applying not only my own but other people’s makeup as well.” She likes to travel with her boyfriend and family, and spent a week this summer in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with her parents, brother-in-law, and sister, Westgate teller supervisor Lisa Gagliardi. (No, that’s not a typo.) “My favorite part was spending time swimming in the ocean and going to an alligator sanctuary,” Rose says.

Traveling teller Kim Rohn is from Wisconsin and lives in Waukesha. She worked at Walmart for 21 years, until she left the company in 2017. “My fiancé and I run a small business,” Kim says. “We make soap, solid lotions, and beard products that we sell online and at craft fairs. We turned our hobby into a business!”