Northland’s Alyssa Taylor flexes her creative muscles
When she’s not serving customers at our Northland branch, teller Alyssa Taylor can be found exercising her creative abilities as an art major at UW Oshkosh. Last fall, she took part in one of her first formal art shows, along with other students from her program, and her work is currently on display at Appleton’s Trout Museum of Art as well as on campus.
“I’m a part-timer here at North Shore Bank and hope to continue here after I graduate in December, using my spare time to peddle my art so that I can eventually make a career of it,” she says. “I’m always coming up with new ideas, and I’m thrilled to keep working on them.” Read more about Alyssa’s art and aspirations now!
Young leaders group practices networking at event

Young leaders at the Social last month were (in front) Raymundo Guardiola, Breanna Rooney, Suzanne Diab, Gabe Apostol, and Tyler Quinn; and (in back) Beth Wianecki, Kenya Owens, and Anna Levine.
The bank’s new employee group for aspiring young leaders took part in a kickoff “boot camp” on January 30, learning about building connections and putting those new skills to use at the Social, an event sponsored by networking group NEWaukee at the new Whitetail Milwaukee.
“We’re excited to see what this team will do as they begin to form closer working relationships within both North Shore Bank and our communities!” said SVP HR/compliance Molly Schissler. The group will be out and about at other upcoming events, such as Milwaukee’s Welcome Party on March 19, the city’s YPWeek for young professionals from April 17 to 25, and the SideWAUK event on April 24, which will start at our new North End branch.
Young leaders group members currently include Fox Point universal banker Gabe Apostol, investments administrative coordinator Elizabeth Castillo, Milwaukee Capitol personal banker Michael Chobanian, Muskego personal banker Matthew Cieslak, teller Suzanne Diab, training specialist Katharine Engle, senior customer assistance rep Jazmine Gonzalez, North End branch manager Raymundo Guardiola, Fox Point teller Anna Levine, business relationship manager Karla Lozano, Franklin assistant branch manager Jazzmen McCallister, Shorewood assistant branch manager Kenya Owens, Brookfield Square universal banker Shannon Quinn, Mequon universal banker Tyler Quinn, North End personal banker Breanna Rooney, Southridge assistant branch manager Zoran Saric, West Allis personal banker Trenise Watson, and branch operations support supervisor Beth Wianecki. •••
Staff deliver flowers for Bank on Kindness initiative

Pulaski teller Kathleen Reinke, Katie, and universal banker Brittany Gay with flowers for customers.
North Shore Bank dedicated the month of February to our Bank on Kindness initiative by finding meaningful, fun, special, and unique ways to show that we care about others. A small group of employees were selected to look for opportunities — big and small — in our communities to offer help to others and show bank support. Our intention is to make people’s day with random acts of kindness from The Bank of You. After all, we’re a community-minded bank, so it’s at the heart of what we do.
On February 13, Pulaski staff brought flower bouquets to elderly customers who were alone for Valentine’s Day.
“It was so fun!” area branch manager Katie Presser said. “They were so appreciative and nearly brought to tears — and it was so wonderful to see how we were able to brighten their day.”
She added: “We also had a customer running coin in the branch today, from a fundraiser over the weekend to raise money for a large project at Pulaski schools. They had $30 in coin, we doubled their money and added $30 to the cause.”

Villa St. Francis residents with their flowers.
And also on the 13th, Southridge area branch manager Carolyn Lyrenmann and Forest Home assistant branch manager Marge Stai surprised residents at the Villa St. Francis assisted living center with carnations and brought Valentine’s Day cookies for the staff.
“The residents were very moved and appreciative, as was the staff,” Carolyn said. “One resident in the memory care unit told us that the last time she’d gotten flowers like that was on Mother’s Day, when her family took her to Holy Hill, and cried when we let her take a couple extra to remind her of her family.” •••
Annual SOAR Together award nominations now open!
Have a colleague who’s done a truly outstanding job of making our customer promises a reality, or who does outstanding work in their community? Recognize them with a nomination for North Shore Bank’s annual SOAR Together awards.
Go here for details on the three award nomination categories. Winners will each receive $500 and a SOAR Together recognition plaque. You can see our past winners at the link under “Annual Awards Overview.”
All employees are eligible to win these awards, so nominate someone today! The nomination period will close Friday, March 13. A nominating committee will then review the entries and select one winner for each award. Winners will be announced in April.
Submissions must clearly and completely describe why the nominee is deserving of this recognition. Please be sure your comments provide the committee with a full and accurate understanding of the reasons for your nomination. We look forward to reading your submissions! —Molly Schissler, SVP, Human Resources & Compliance •••
Hossain welcomes daughter

Yasmin and Daliah at Northland.
Congratulations to Northland teller Yasmin Hossain, who welcomed new daughter Daliah last month! The two of them stopped in at the branch to say hi last week. “Baby Daliah is beautiful and much quieter than her big brother, which Yasmin really appreciates,” branch manager Lacee Kalepp reports. •••
IS colleagues surprise Peters with baby shower

Infrastructure specialist lead Jason Roloff and senior infrastructure specialist Wendy Repka show off their diapers with Bryan (in the middle).
His Information Systems colleagues surprised senior systems analyst Bryan Peters with a baby shower last Friday. Bryan and fiancée Amanda are expecting their second baby in the next few weeks. “We ‘showered’ him with gifts, played a few fun games, and enjoyed yummy food,” VP Dana Scherff said.
“It was a total surprise!” Bryan said. “I had no idea how long the department was scheming, but everyone really kept things under wraps. Everyone brought in tasty treats to share, and some cute baby clothes and toys as gifts. Pam Bradley came up with some fun games for us to play, including a timed word scramble, seeing who could free a little baby from an ice cube the fastest, and then splitting up into two teams to see who could create the best toilet-paper diaper on our co-workers in a certain amount of time. They also gave me a nice throne to sit on for our department meeting!” •••
What’s going on? Let us know!
What’s going on with you? If you or someone in your family has a special event — a concert, show, sporting or charity event, or another important moment — send the details to We’ll include information about select events to let your colleagues know about all the cool stuff happening with the North Shore Bank team. •••