Tag Archives: Issue 20200402

Help the bank recruit new hires with social media and more

In Wisconsin, just as everywhere else throughout the country, we are seeing record unemployment claims, with so many people out of work due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, North Shore Bank has a number of openings.

Consequently, the bank is stepping up efforts on employee recruitment, and YOUR involvement can help maximize our results. Per VP and branch sales manager Craig Witz, here’s what you can do:

  • Like and share recruiting messages posted on North Shore Bank’s social media accounts. Posts with more reactions and engagement get greater visibility.
  • You can access LinkedIn at work, and you are encouraged to like and share North Shore Bank’s content.
  • Your favorite social media platform may not be the same as mine. If you like and share on Instagram, and I do so on Twitter, we are covering more ground together.
  • Adding a personal endorsement always helps, too.
  • Electronic message boards: A number of preapproved messages are available for your signatures. Please see this post and scroll to the bottom. There are probably new ones since you last looked.
  • Watch for good service wherever you go. Hand out our new recruiting cards to encourage the person to apply. See this post.

You’ll also notice a “now hiring” banner on our public website and “now hiring” messages on our inLighten feed.

They say, “Many hands make light work.” You can be part of the solution to filling our open positions!