Tag Archives: Issue 20200402

Choose the right foods to boost your body’s immune system

If you’re thinking that your immune system could use a boost, you’re certainly not alone! Cleveland Clinic Wellness has some tips on what foods can help:

The goal is to eat a plant-based diet that contains a wide variety of colorful vegetables and fruit (fresh or frozen) — in particular, dark, leafy greens, cruciferous veggies (like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts), berries, citrus fruits, carrots, and winter squashes. Use onions, garlic, ginger, herbs, and spices liberally, too — they’re flavor-packed and full of anti-inflammatory, immune-supportive nutrients. Beans, lentils, and whole grains are high in fiber, which is important for a healthy gut, and they’re great (and shelf-stable!) sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Put salmon and sardines, nuts and seeds, and extra virgin olive oil on your menu, too. (Like most whole foods, they’re multitaskers; for instance, pumpkin seeds, besides being a good source of fat and protein, are high in the mineral zinc, which supports the immune system.)

The clinic also recommends limiting foods that “increase inflammation and antagonize the immune system,” such as anything with added sugar or syrups, simple carbohydrates like white bread or potato chips, red meat, cheese, and alcohol. Eat well!