President’s Note, April 9
Jay McKenna writes: “Well, we’re still in this thing. And it’s gotten me to do a lot of thinking and reflecting, much more than I’m used to! As a former marathon runner, I often fall back on the concepts of training for and running that race when dealing with life and business challenges. I know we have quite a few marathoners at North Shore, and I’m sure they can relate. In that spirit, I asked customer care supervisor Sara Carter, marathon (and ultra) runner extraordinaire, to pass along her thoughts, as I think we can all benefit from what she’s learned about success and persistence in the face of a sustained challenge.” Read what Sara has to say!
Place hearts where neighbors can see and share them

Burlington teller Bryana Stagg, personal banker Erik Bankhead, branch manager Robin Callis, teller Andrea Schmidt, and teller supervisor Jayme Clarey show off their new North Shore Bank wear in front of the display of hearts in the branch’s front window. “The hearts symbolize empathy during the COVID-19 pandemic and show that we care about our community,” Robin says.
In this time of social distancing, when we can all use a little extra love and compassion, many families are decorating windows, doors, and sidewalks with hearts — which people out taking walks can then find! Let’s join our communities in placing hearts in windows, on doors, or anywhere outside where passersby can easily see them.
Hearts can be made from anything (paper, wrapping paper, cereal boxes) — just be creative. Not an artist? That’s OK, many of us aren’t. Want to go all out? Do it! Then, please snap photos and send them to
Out on a walk or drive? Feel free to share pictures of the hearts you see and let us know where you spotted them. Some can’t get out, so these little hearts are very comforting to see online, too. Have fun and happy heart hunting! •••
The new normal: Birthday cake, but only at a distance
The Northland branch celebrated two birthdays in March — universal banker Kim Balser’s and teller Kathleen Veu’s. “We had cake, but practiced social distancing,” Kim says. From left to right are teller supervisor Patt Kox, personal banker Kelly Kading, district operations specialist Jill Heule, district manager Kerri Collins, teller Alyssa Taylor, Kim, and Kathleen. Photo by branch manager Lacee Kalepp.
See some more great photos from life and work in the time of COVID-19, and share yours with us too!
Employees run into each other while donating blood

Kathleen and Sonya giving blood in Racine.
Regency teller supervisor Sonya Ramirez and Cudahy branch manager Kathleen White surprised each other donating blood in Racine. “Neither of us knew the other was donating, but we both had the same idea to help others, with the blood supply being low and in great demand,” Kathleen says. “We plan to donate together the beginning of June and are hoping to recruit other North Shore employees as well.” If you’re interested, reach out at •••
North End branch opens today

The striking, attractive interior of the new North End office.

The exterior of the new branch.
Our new North End branch officially opens today, Thursday, April 9. It is managed by Ray Guardiola. Video teller service at the branch and its ATM came online yesterday.
“My team and I are very excited to be able to welcome people into our new branch,” Ray says. “We are itching for the day we are able to fully open our doors, but for now we are enjoying the opportunity to help the neighborhood by appointment. We have already been getting a lot of attention from the community walking past.”
The opening has been announced via press release, email, and social media. Direct-mail marketing and events with community groups are on hold until the state’s stay-at-home order is lifted, SVP and head of retail banking Sue Doyle said. •••
Shorewood puts up Easter eggs for walkers to spot

The egg-speckled Shorewood exterior.
The Shorewood branch put up Easter eggs in the front windows to support the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The community has been looking for ideas to keep people busy and promote being healthy and getting out and walking,” branch manager Shannon Weber explained. “There have been themed dates when people are getting out of their homes, continuing social distancing, but taking walks and looking for the theme item in people’s windows.”
Afterward, participants often share photos of their findings on social media. The Easter egg–themed hunt was on April 4. Other themes included shamrocks, silly faces, animals, encouraging words, flowers, and jokes. •••
Our most useful digital services are all on one page
Here’s a good reminder, and something to share with your customers, too:
Our Digital Services web page collects some of our most popular digital services — the ones people love using. Check out the demos and see for yourself how North Shore Bank’s useful and convenient digital services give you the power to manage your money with confidence and ease, whenever and wherever you like. •••
CARES Act provides extensions on deadlines
To offer relief to the millions of Americans affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act — or CARES Act — was signed into law on March 27. You can read more about how this legislation helps individuals and businesses here. Here are some of the highlights:
- Income tax returns and payments originally due on April 15 are now due on July 15, 2020.
- The deadlines for making 2019 IRA contributions and 2019 contributions to health savings accounts (HSAs) and Archer medical savings accounts (MSAs) have also been extended until July 15.
- Payments (principal and interest) on federal student loans are suspended through September 30, 2020 without penalty. Interest will not accrue on these loans during this suspension period.
For more information, check out the link above. •••