Well, we’re still in this thing. And it’s gotten me to do a lot of thinking and reflecting, much more than I’m used to! As a former marathon runner, I often fall back on the concepts of training for and running that race when dealing with life and business challenges. I know we have quite a few marathoners at North Shore, and I’m sure they can relate. In that spirit, I asked customer care supervisor Sara Carter, marathon (and ultra) runner extraordinaire, to pass along her thoughts, as I think we can all benefit from what she’s learned about success and persistence in the face of a sustained challenge. Thank you, Sara! —Jay McKenna, President and COO

Sara back in February, when she paced the Zooma Bermuda Half Marathon. “Happy days when I could travel!” she says.
COVID-19 coming into existence has and will continue to affect us all differently. For me, I’ve had so many races and trips canceled that I have stopped counting in order to stem the disappointment.
Suddenly, some of the lessons I have learned running races and pacing other people to succeed in their races are being put into practice on a daily basis:
Self-care: When competing in any endurance event, it is important to check in with yourself regularly. When was the last time I hydrated? When did I last take in fuel? If your days are anything like mine, they may have gotten a little bit longer. So check in with yourself. When was the last time you went for a walk? Or prepared a meal and sat down at a table and enjoyed it? It may even be as simple as: Have you had any water today?
Take in your surroundings: Often, in a race, you can be consumed with whether or not you are on pace to hit your target time or how many miles there are to go. I have found it helpful to always try to be aware of the scenery. Take time to connect with what is going on around you. Make a conscious effort to either look outside or go outside for a quick walk. Enjoy nature!
Have a game plan, but be flexible: There are so many times I had a clear plan in mind for a race and something or someone completely changed that plan. The ability to rethink and redirect in this rapidly changing, fluid world we live in is crucial.
Connect and be kind: For me, one of the most rewarding parts of pacing or running an ultra is the opportunity to connect with people. I have often paced a race in which someone else has started and finished the entire race right by my side. Sometimes that person is a talker and you learn so many things about them. Other times they are quiet and I barely know they are there. But I smile. I smile, and they know that we are in it together. So take the opportunity to check in with your family and friends. You will be amazed how much a quick text or phone call might mean to someone who may be struggling today. And smile. Smile at your co-workers or to the person next to you at the gas station; this may be the first time they have been out of their house in days.
Emotions: A weird thing happens when you run for an extended period of time. Your mind often goes through an interesting journey of emotions. Excitement, calm, dread, anguish, despair, disappointment, hopelessness — the list of possibilities is endless. How many of us have felt those same emotions in the last couple of weeks? Take a moment and allow yourself to really, truly feel what has happened and is happening. All of those emotions are real; give yourself some time to process them and think a little bit about where they are coming from.
Reflect: I have run A LOT of races and they have all shaped me into the person I am today. COVID-19 is definitely going to make an impact on us all. Take time to reflect on how the changes in your daily life have affected your thoughts on the world and those around you.
COVID-19 has and will continue to challenge us in so many ways. For me, I am grateful to be able to draw on the inner strength I have cultivated from numerous dynamic life challenges. This race isn’t over and may not be for quite some time.