Burlington teller Bryana Stagg, personal banker Erik Bankhead, branch manager Robin Callis, teller Andrea Schmidt, and teller supervisor Jayme Clarey show off their new North Shore Bank wear in front of the display of hearts in the branch’s front window. “The hearts symbolize empathy during the COVID-19 pandemic and show that we care about our community,” Robin says.
In this time of social distancing, when we can all use a little extra love and compassion, many families are decorating windows, doors, and sidewalks with hearts — which people out taking walks can then find! Let’s join our communities in placing hearts in windows, on doors, or anywhere outside where passersby can easily see them.
Hearts can be made from anything (paper, wrapping paper, cereal boxes) — just be creative. Not an artist? That’s OK, many of us aren’t. Want to go all out? Do it! Then, please snap photos and send them to photos@northshorebank.com.
Out on a walk or drive? Feel free to share pictures of the hearts you see and let us know where you spotted them. Some can’t get out, so these little hearts are very comforting to see online, too. Have fun and happy heart hunting!