Get an extra bonus for these job referrals
Extra referral bonuses are available now for personal banker positions at our Brookfield Capitol office and forthcoming Germantown location.
Through the end of June, successfully referring a candidate for either position will earn you a bonus of $750 (up from $500 normally). To learn about our job referral program, please go here. •••
The new normal: Banana splits, singing pups, and more

Casstiel, with his banana split breakfast.
“My son Casstiel loves fruit,” Green Bay East universal banker Kari Tuyls says. “So I decided to change up our breakfast routine and try something fun I found on Facebook. Who wouldn’t love a banana split for breakfast? It’s filled with Greek yogurt, and we chose to use strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and granola for our toppings!”

Dewey, all ears up front, while Frances sings her heart out.
VP commercial banking Michael Krause has a new tradition working from home. “Every morning before firing up the computer, the ‘home’ team begins the day with a lively version of ‘America the Beautiful,’” he says. On vocals are Dewey, a 5-year-old Chihuahua, and Frances, a 10-year-old Jack Russell terrier.

Jinx, trying to remember his password.
“This is Jinx,” electronic specialist Kelly LaBonte says of her new co-worker. “He’s always trying to help.”

Hemi, ready to go.
And here’s Hemi, district operations specialist Katie Wiskup’s new officemate and a 3-year-old Carolina dog/American dingo. “Since I started working from home, she has not left my side,” Katie says. “I decided to move her bed into our office so she can watch me in comfort. Yes, she is very spoiled.”
Send your stories and photos of social distancing and working from home under the “new normal” by email to or via text at 608-318-3348. We’ll run your submissions in an upcoming issue! •••
SOAR Together Tributes: April 2020
Last month’s winners of our Seymour Salutes awards are JoEllen Brisk, Bill Brust, Jessie Krajcir, and Dani Ritz. Read more about their achievements here!
Food pantries grateful for bank’s donations
Here are more photos from the latest phase of our Bank on Kindness initiative, as branches continued to donate to local food pantries, including taking care of the pantry volunteers.

A montage of photos from the Shalom Center.
Workers at Kenosha’s Shalom Center of the Interfaith Network shared their gratitude online, posting on Facebook and Instagram: “Thank you to our friends at North Shore Bank for bringing a little smile to our faces today! Not only did they share a wonderful donation of funds to aid our efforts, they also brought pizza and pictures! We are grateful (and full!!)” The center also used our #bankonkindness hashtag.
“Everything went wonderfully with the special delivery,” Kenosha Main branch manager Danielle Hansen said. “They are such a fun group and very thankful for our partnership.”

Milwaukee Christian Center executive director Karen Higgins, Claudia, and Alfredo.
And Jackson Park area manager and AVP Alfredo Martin and assistant branch manager Claudia Romo-Verdin delivered our check and meals and treats for workers to Milwaukee Christian Center’s Food Pantry. The center’s executive director thanked Alfredo and tagged the bank in a photo on Facebook. •••
Tips to avoid being a victim of COVID scams
Whenever a crisis hits, scammers will be there to take advantage of the confusion and chaos. Keep yourself, your family, and your customers safe with these tips to avoid being scammed during the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Do not share personal data. Your bank will never contact you and ask for confidential information such as your name, password, PIN, Social Security number, or other account information over the phone or in an email or text. However, if you are the one initiating a call, some information may be needed to authenticate your identity.
- Beware of scams that may seem legitimate to the current climate such as medical supply scams or fraudulent donation sites. Their intent is to convince you to share sensitive information such as usernames and passwords, make purchases or donations on spoof websites, or download malware onto your device by opening a malicious attachment. If you receive something suspicious, do not respond, do not click on any links, and do not open attachments.
- Beware of fake job ads or jobs asking you to pay for equipment training or supplies before starting the job. Employment scams are on the rise.
- Don’t answer calls you don’t recognize. More robocalls are happening to see who is home and answering their phone — scammers won’t leave a voicemail, and if they do, they typically sound robotic. Additionally, any call received communicating that your Social Security benefits will be suspended or reduced due to COVID-19 is a scam. Delete the number and do not engage in continued contact.
You can also find these tips, along with additional information about IRS stimulus payment scams, on the bank’s website in both English and Spanish. •••
New Hires for May 21
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Consumer credit analyst Sarah Barth was born and raised in Bay View and previously worked as a finance manager at Lake Chevrolet in Milwaukee. “It is nice to be on the other end of a purchase transaction!” she says. Sarah adds: “Every year for the last nine years, my family has taken a trip to Wisconsin Dells. It is a great time and there are usually over 15 of us that go! It is a tradition on our last day to walk around in the downtown area and then head over to the go-karts for some ‘friendly competition’ between the adults and kids!” •••