Tag Archives: Issue 20201022

SOAR Together Tributes: September 2020

By Molly Schissler, SVP, Human Resources & Compliance

Seymour Salutes
Here are the September winners of our Seymour Salutes awards:

  • Margie Brusa, District Operations Manager
  • Janet Rosenthal, Talent Acquisition Manager

Margie got this nice message: “I wanted to take the time to say thank you to you and your DOS team for all the help that’s been provided to me and the BSA Team for assistance on resolving business new-account issues. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Katie, Jill, and Dani, and they’ve each been very supportive in assisting me in attempting to resolve issues with various customers. Without their help and dedication, my job would be much more difficult! Thank you again to you and your team for all that you do!”

And for Janet: “You have really been rocking it, Janet. Your consistent — and persistent — efforts for recruiting, especially these past several months, are so appreciated! Thank you for all that you do.”

Congratulations to our winners! All of our winners have received Seymour Salutes points. We’re very pleased to recognize the fantastic efforts of our remarkable employees!

Remember: If you know of a colleague who exemplifies our SOAR Together principles, please take time to recognize them with an e-card on our Seymour Salutes (Point Recognition) site. They could then also be selected as a monthly Seymour Salutes winner by the SOAR Together committee. We love reading the great things you are saying about your co-workers; thank you for taking time to recognize them for their achievements.