What are you thankful for this year?
2020 is nearly over, and we’re still here! Let’s head into the Thanksgiving holiday next week with some good energy. Tell us what you’re grateful for this year, and we’ll publish everyone’s stories in next Wednesday’s Shorelines.
If you can include a photo too, that’s even better! Send words and pictures to shorelines@northshorebank.com or 608-318-3348. Deadline is noon on Tuesday, November 24. •••
North Shore Bank Night to kick off Candy Cane Lane
North Shore Bank will kick off this year’s Candy Cane Lane in West Allis. Our employees will collect donations from cars checking out the neighborhood display of holiday lights and decorations on its opening night, Friday, November 27 (aka “North Shore Bank Night”).
The kickoff will run from 6 to 10 p.m., and then the display will be open evenings through December 27. Donations go to the MACC Fund, which helps fight children’s cancer. Organizers hope to raise at least $100,000 this holiday season.
North Shore Bank’s own Seymour Savings will appear along with other mascots from local organizations at Mascot Night on Candy Cane Lane on Friday, December 11. You can find directions and hours and make donations at candycanelanewi.com. •••
Mindful challenge Week 3: Stop, notice, and learn
Your Zen minute: Obstacles, challenges, annoyances — they’re nobody’s favorite part of life, but they’re not all bad either. When a problem pops up again and again, stop and ask why. Even if change isn’t possible right now, what can the shape of the problem tell you about the shape of your life? Pat Ingelse has seven mindful exercises to help you learn more about yourself. Give them a try!
Bank sponsors music for Germantown “reverse” parade

The Whistles on Wheels mobile calliope sponsored by North Shore Bank in Germantown’s holiday parade.
The bank sponsored the music for Germantown’s Reverse Christmas Parade last Saturday. Because of COVID-19, the 12-vehicle “reverse” parade drove through neighborhoods, making 24 stops so that the community could enjoy it in a safe, socially distanced manner, rather than asking spectators to come out and gather in a large crowd along a main street.
The North Shore Bank–sponsored truck towed a “Whistles on Wheels” calliope wagon that played Christmas music as it traveled. The parade kicked off Germantown’s holiday festival, which will continue through December 5. •••
Pay no purchase fee on gift cards through December 31
Just in time for holiday shopping, North Shore Bank gift cards are now available with no purchase fee through December 31. These cards can be spent anywhere Mastercard is accepted, and you can choose the dollar amount of the gift. Pick up some yourself from the closest branch, and remind your friends, family, and customers about North Shore Bank gift cards too. Curbside pickup is available — just call. •••
ICYMI: Don’t forget to vote!
In case you missed it, here’s some news from recent issues:
Vote for North Shore Bank! The bank is a finalist in the Shepherd Express’s Best of Milwaukee 2020 contest. Through December 3, vote for the bank here.
Heidi Hussli fundraiser Through November 30, our northeast branches will offer free coin counting to raise funds for the Heidi Hussli Memorial Fund, which honors a 47-year-old Bay Port German teacher who died of COVID-19. Donations are also being accepted here. •••
Social media winners of the week!
Here are this week’s winners of our social media sharing giveaway: customer care rep Debra Jones and online banking supervisor Kris Pappa each helped promote North Shore Bank content and won $75 to spend at Fanatics. Congratulations to both of them!
All you need to do for a chance to win is like or share North Shore Bank content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. More details here. •••
Promotions for October 2020
The following employees were promoted in October:
- Daniel Baglien was promoted from Lending Quality Control Specialist to Senior Lending Quality Control Specialist.
- Guadalupe Barbosa-Bobadilla was promoted from Teller Supervisor at Jackson Park to Video Teller.
- Kaitlin Czarnecki was promoted from Teller Supervisor at Southridge to Lending Quality Control Specialist.
- Monika Ulatt was promoted from Staff Auditor to Senior Auditor.
- Micki Usama was promoted from Teller to Universal Banker at Shorewood.
- Chelsey Weasler was promoted from Residential Loan Specialist to Senior Residential Loan Specialist.
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Service Anniversaries for November 2020
The following employees celebrate a milestone anniversary with North Shore Bank this month.
45 years
Diane Bahringer, Mortgage Servicing Specialist
5 years
Daniel Baglien, Lending Quality Control Specialist
Maria Conway, Residential Loan Specialist
Daniel Truss, Consumer Credit Analyst
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New Hires for November 19
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
El Rey teller Jorge Castro is from Milwaukee and previously worked at a Mexican restaurant for about three years. ” I really enjoy sports, mostly soccer, and I also like drawing,” he says. “But I mainly spend my free time playing video games.”
Germantown teller Will Nimke is from Mequon and a recent economics graduate of UW-Madison. “The past four summers I’ve worked as a first mate for the boat company Milwaukee Paddle Tavern,” he says. “It was an amazing job where I got to spend my weekends outside all day. Our passengers came from all over the country and beyond — from places like Mexico, India, and China. Usually, everybody likes to stay dry on the boat, but this past summer I rescued someone who had fallen into the river!” •••