Here’s what North Shore Bank employees told us they were grateful for this year.

“I’m calling it three turkeys, a ham, and a pear tree,” Emily says of the food she collected to help three families in need with help from her community.
“A few days ago, I was scrolling through Facebook and overwhelmed by all the negativity I saw,” says Sturgeon Bay personal banker Emily Johnson. “This year has been especially hard on some families, and I think we have a tendency to forget that our situations are so much better than many other people’s — I’m thankful I have a job, a roof over my head, and food in my belly. I decided it was time to do something positive.” Emily reached out over social media asking about families that might need extra help this holiday season and was deluged with responses. Three families had faced especially big challenges in 2020.
Within two days, Emily had collected over $2,500 from people who wanted to pitch in for those families. She bought food for all three, along with gift cards for groceries and holiday shopping. “Our community never ceases to amaze me,” she says, “and it’s really nice to see a little ray of sunshine reminding me that we can help each other if we just try!”

Tony and Emily on their wedding day.
“I am grateful for my husband, Tony,” says underwriting support specialist Emily Curro. “We have been through a lot together this past year — planning our wedding and starting a new job during this pandemic weren’t easy — but he was my support through it all!”

Linda, son and dad-to-be John, and mom-to-be Hannah.
“We are expecting our first grandchild this year,” says checking services team leader Linda Lassa. Violet Jean Lassa is due in late December.
Forest Home assistant branch manager Marie Cruz is grateful that her family has remained healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. “And I am thankful for having a job and working for a company that truly values and appreciates their employees,” she says. “I am blessed and thankful for every day that I wake up.”
“I will have a new grandbaby any day now, and am so thankful!” says Burlington branch manager Robin Callis. “This will be our third grandchild, and since the other two live in Texas, it will be so nice to have this one close by. We do not know if it will be a boy or girl, but we are sure excited to find out!”

Kerri’s family gathered at the family home six years ago, just before her parents sold it and relocated to assisted living.
And district manager Kerri Collins says: “I am thankful for the memories of a happy childhood at my family’s beautiful home. I am also thankful for my faith, my family, amazing friends, my health, and a wonderful job of 30 years.”