Cetera recognizes Eichel’s success for seventh year
Investment consultant Jeff Eichel has been named to Cetera Investment Services’ Circle of Excellence for the seventh consecutive year. Although the trip that usually accompanies this honor had to be canceled this time, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jeff said he was still quite pleased to be recognized. Only 70 investment advisers made it into the Circle of Excellence. “There are a lot of great advisers out there,” he said, noting that North Shore Bank’s asset management and his colleagues have helped him succeed so consistently.
“We are so proud of Jeff and his ability to maintain high standards while achieving high sales goals, especially during this past year,” said his boss, VP investment sales manager Erika Milosevich. •••
Mindful Minute: Not up for a full vision board? Try this.
Your Zen minute: It feels bad when you think you’re doing something wrong or feel like you haven’t succeeded. (And maybe you haven’t.) But it doesn’t have to — you can mindfully detach and look at that bad feeling as less of a consequence and more of a signal. What’s it telling you to change? And will you listen?
If you’re thinking hard about change but don’t feel quite ready to create the vision board we recommended last week, Pat Ingelse has got you covered.
Union Grove surprises Shook with birthday balloons

James’s office, decorated.
Union Grove employees surprised branch manager James Shook this week for his birthday by filling his office with balloons, along with a package of doughnut coffee sticks, while he was off. “It definitely made my day and had me laughing when I saw the balloons everywhere,” James said. “I’ve never been ‘pranked’ like that and thought it was pretty funny!” •••
SOAR Together Tributes: December 2020
December’s winners of our Seymour Salutes awards are Erik Bankhead, Mari Schill, Elise Chase, and Noah Isenhower. Read more about their achievements here!
Schedule financial fitness checkup at a branch
It’s traditional to start thinking about physical fitness in January, with the start of a “new year, new you” and after the indulgence that typically accompanies the winter holidays. But what about financial fitness?
North Shore Bank is reminding customers — and employees too! — that whether you’re feeling good about your personal finances or could use some help, it’s a wise idea to schedule a “financial fitness checkup” at one of our branches. Make sure your customers, along with friends and family, know! •••
New Hires for January 21
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Customer assistance rep Kat Grunert recently graduated from Alverno College and previously worked in food service. “I am so very excited to learn all there is about the world of banking,” she says. Kat was classically trained in singing for over seven years and sang solo at New York City’s Carnegie Hall with the Menomenee Falls High School audition choir, as a senior. “One of my fondest and most proud memories.” •••
Burlington chamber auction goes virtual
The Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its 77th annual auction online this year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bidding on products and services donated by local businesses starts Tuesday, January 26, and you can check out what’s up for auction at charityauction.bid/BACCauction. •••