Tag Archives: Issue 20210311

Give yourself the gift of calm, with a midday pause and meditation

Things are so busy and chaotic right now, it’s easy to lose our perspective. Take a break. You aren’t going to miss anything. It will not make you less productive. Your work will not suffer one bit. On the contrary, your mind will be refreshed, your spirit renewed.

Try this meditation for one minute every day, or longer if you want to:

NOTICE THAT UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING of sitting still. Feel like you need to be doing something? Just quietly observe that sensation, that need for stimulation. Sit with it until it fades. Once that happens, you will be able to get back to work with a mind and heart in perfect synchronicity.

This meditation was adapted from A Mindful Day: 365 Ways to Live Life with Peace, Clarity, and an Open Heart, by David Dillard-Wright. How did it go for you? Share your thoughts and feelings in Shorelines and you’ll be entered to win a copy of the book!

If you would like a FREE daily email reminder to do one minute of mindfulness, email us with the subject line “Mindfulness reminder.”