With COVID-19 vaccinations now open to anyone 16 or older in Wisconsin, more and more North Shore Bank employees are getting their shots. Here are some of our leaders and team members who were happy to share their vaccination stories.

Mike, Sue, Craig, and Molly.
Mike Kellman, Sue Doyle, and Craig Witz have each had their first dose, and Molly Schissler is now fully vaccinated, as she has been volunteering for a couple of months at a COVID-19 vaccination site in Kenosha. She was happy to finally be able to have her dad over for dinner recently!

Carolyn showing off her vaccination card.
“I was fortunate enough to be offered the vaccine as I had held a job on Sundays for Kenosha Human Development Services at the KARE Center, a facility for people enduring a crisis and needing a place to recoup,” Carolyn Lancour said. “Although getting vaccinated was optional, I felt it was important to help protect myself and others. I did feel a bit under the weather after my second dose, but it was a small price to pay.”

Nicole and her sticker.
“I was truly surprised at the sense of relief I felt just knowing I’m helping to protect myself and others,” Nicole Daniels said. “I know we are a long way from being out of the woods, but this is a step in the right direction!”

Paris, post-shot.
“My experience receiving my first COVID-19 shot was simple,” said Paris Reed. “I was at the clinic for about 30 minutes, all in all, 20 of which were for observation after the injection. The process of receiving the injection was quick, and getting checked in and discharged was a breeze. The nursing staff was very nice and scheduled my second future dosage on the spot.”

Cheryl in the waiting room with daughter Olia; Ray at North End; and Lori, proudly presenting her sticker.
Employees including Cheryl Lang, Ray Guardiola, and Lori Staniszewski have also gotten their shots.

Kerri (top right) with her sister, dad, and mom at Age Well. “Yes, the shamrock masks were a must for the Callahans,” she joked.
And Kerri Collins had nothing but praise for Green Bay’s Age Well Centre for Life Enrichment, which has seen only one case of COVID-19 throughout the pandemic (and that one from a resident who left the assisted living facility). “They did an amazing job!” she said.
Over 100 people were vaccinated at the center, including essential caregivers like Kerri, residents including her parents, and employees. “They made it a party with balloons, snacks, and karaoke,” she reported. “They also asked the residents to write down on a heart why it was important to them to be vaccinated. My dad wrote: To keep everyone at Age Well safe. My mom wrote: To attend my granddaughter’s wedding safely in June.”
As one vaccinated employee noted, every person’s decision to get the vaccine should be made on an informed basis. If you have concerns about it or about medical conditions that might affect your response to the vaccine, it’s always a good idea to speak to your physician or primary care provider.