Tag Archives: Issue 20210708

SOAR Together Tributes: June 2021

By Molly Schissler, SVP, Human Resources & Compliance

Seymour Salutes
Here are the June winners of our Seymour Salutes awards:

  • Megan Butler, Teller Supervisor, Sussex
  • Eugene Fox, Teller Supervisor, Kenosha Main
  • Debra Jones, Customer Care Rep
  • Sonya Ramirez, Universal Banker, Regency

Each of our winners received compliments. For Megan: “Thank you so much for helping an elderly Sussex family avoid being scammed. Mrs. B shared how grateful she is that you helped her realize someone was taking advantage of her.”

For Eugene: “I’m in my office, and I heard what an impact you made in that customer’s life in the drive-thru. I don’t know who he is, but wow! The impact that you’ve made in his life is beyond words. Great job on performing the very best customer service I think I’ve ever heard coming from a customer. His language was a little colorful, but it was coming out of the right motivation, and luckily, there were no customers in the branch, LOL. But wow, he was speaking from the heart and you have made a huge impact in his life.”

For Debra: “‘I was really pleased with the customer service I received from Debra. She went above and beyond in helping me with the tracking of a previous deposit.’ These words came through Allegiance from a satisfied NSB customer. Awesome job, Jonesy! This is the type of service that Customer Care strives to give on a daily basis! Thank you!”

And for Sonya: “Sonya was a huge help to the Call Center, assisting us with a difficult customer situation that took several days, emails, and phone calls to work through. Her positive attitude and professionalism were commendable, and she did a wonderful job keeping up the communication between us and the customer. Thank you, Sonya! We couldn’t have resolved this without your assistance!”

Congratulations to our winners! All of our winners have received Seymour Salutes points. We’re very pleased to recognize the fantastic efforts of our remarkable employees!

Remember: If you know of a colleague who exemplifies our SOAR Together principles, please take time to recognize them with an e-card on our Seymour Salutes (Point Recognition) site. They could then also be selected as a monthly Seymour Salutes winner by the SOAR Together committee. We love reading the great things you are saying about your co-workers; thank you for taking time to recognize them for their achievements.