Tag Archives: Issue 20210909

Greendale’s Marus retires, branches help with car show

Lynne, the guest of honor.

Greendale teller supervisor Lynne Marus retired last week, after almost 20 years with North Shore Bank. The branch celebrated her new chapter with cake, flowers, and decorations.

Cathy, Westgate branch manager Julie Goebel, Northside teller supervisor Kelly Elliott, teller Lexi Lawler, and Cudahy branch manager Kathleen White kneeling in front at the car show.

Employees from our Racine branches staffed our table at the Racine Zoo’s 25th annual Car, Truck & Bike Show on August 15. “Every year we participate,” branch manager Lisa Brooks said. “It’s a fun event that brings out people of all ages, and it was a beautiful day.” Northside assistant branch manager Cathy Straka agreed: “It was nice to get out into the community again and interact with new and existing customers. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves!”

And don’t forget! The Shorewood Feast returns this Saturday. While dinner tickets are sold out, there will still be plenty of food and fun.