Tag Archives: Issue 20211007

Bank launches chatbot, live chat

In September, the bank launched both a chatbot and live chat service for existing Online Banking customers. These digital services help customers looking for information about our products and services.

Chatbot presents users with a series of prompts to determine what kind of information they’re looking for. When they respond to the prompts, the chatbot will reply and provide relevant links to our website.

If the chatbot doesn’t deliver what they need, a customer can type “rep” to open a live chat session with an employee in the Customer Support Center. For now, live chat is only available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., but those hours will be extended as our reps gain experience with the system. “So far we have been live chatting with a few customers each day, and the results have been very positive,” product manager Eric Brooks said.

You can learn more about our new chat services on Ask Seymour. Let your customers know about this new service!