Tag Archives: Issue 20220317

To perform well, your mind needs nourishment and plenty of rest

We put so much pressure on ourselves to think brilliant thoughts, execute the perfect plan, and generally produce exceptional work. It’s easy to forget the mind, like any tool, works only so long as it has received the proper care. If we overtax ourselves — if we do not get proper nourishment, rest, and exercise — the mind will not work properly. Meditation is one way of caring for your mind by giving it a break from all the work.

Try this meditation for one minute every day, or longer if you want to:

TAKE A FEW MINUTES and allow yourself to simply be. Know the time spent relaxing is time well spent!

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. —Ovid

How did this meditation go for you? Share your experience at shorelines@northshorebank.com and you’ll be entered to win a copy of A Mindful Day: 365 Ways to Live Life With Peace, Clarity, and an Open Heart, by David Dillard-Wright.

If you’d like a daily email reminder to practice one minute of mindfulness, email us with the subject “Mindfulness reminder.”