The traditional 20th anniversary gift is china. If she could serve a celebratory meal for the occasion, Wendy says, “Something Italian, as that is my favorite kind of food. And of course, there must also be dessert, because that is the best part of any meal.”
Senior infrastructure specialist Wendy Repka celebrates 20 years with North Shore Bank this month.
“Wendy is a tremendous asset to North Shore Bank,” VP information systems Dana Scherff says. “She understands our technological environment and our business needs. Her attention to detail is commendable. I have enjoyed working with her and look forward to many more years!”
Wendy talked to Shorelines about her career at North Shore Bank.
How did you get started here, and how did you end up in your current position?
At the time, I was an information technology consultant at SC Johnson Wax. I applied for a help desk technician position and was hired, and my first manager was Roger Arnesen. He has always been a great mentor, and he has a great sense of humor. Less than a year later, I applied for an opening on the infrastructure team — I was excited to learn more and expand my skill set. I’ve been on the infrastructure team since then.
What has kept you coming back for 20 years?
The camaraderie in our department — we keep it light and fun even when we are really busy. We get along great, and I know my co-workers are always willing to help when needed. If you are out of the office for a few days, you never know what your cube will look like when you come back. It’s fair game to be decorated. We love decorating for birthdays and other occasions.
There is also great work-life balance at North Shore Bank. Being a parent of two boys, I have a lot of doctor appointments, sports, and school events to attend. Having flexibility and an understanding manager has been a blessing. I also love the bank’s community involvement. I enjoyed my time on the Corporate Community Outreach Committee and helping plan and participate in events. Our IT department has hosted a haunted house, had some elaborate Christmas decorations, and done breakfast with Santa, bake sales, and craft fundraisers. One of my favorites was for Christmas when we made a camper to look like the one in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Our previous building maintenance guy Bob Effinger dressed up as Cousin Eddie, with the bathrobe and all. We really have some fun memories in our department.