Lacee, Breanna, and Kristin at the BOLT summit.
Northland branch manager Lacee Kalepp, senior financial accountant and analyst Kristin Monday, and North End assistant branch manager Breanna Rooney attended the BOLT Summer Leadership Summit, put on by the Wisconsin Bankers Association, last week in Wisconsin Dells. The event offered educational and networking opportunities for bankers from across the state.
“It was interesting to hear about other bankers’ experiences while comparing and contrasting similar processes, positives, and issues,” Kristin said. “The guest speakers were lively and enjoyable, and their topics pertained to almost everyone at the conference in some way.”
“One speaker who stuck out to me discussed the different generations in the current workforce and how things will be drastically changing within the next decade — and thus the importance of creating leaders within the generations to come,” Breanna said, adding that she plans to use the speaker’s ideas in North Shore Bank’s Emerging Leaders Group and within her own team.
And Lacee said the summit offered a little bit of everything: “There were things I will use as a manager in my coaching and huddles. There was information on the future of banking and ideas on how to better connect with our customers as bankers. I plan on using something from one of the speakers called ‘laughing yoga’ with my team to start our huddles. They are going to love it!”