Tag Archives: Issue 20220908

Get free flu shots for you and your whole family

Register now! The bank is once again offering a free on-site flu shot clinic at Corporate, on Wednesday, September 21, from 3 to 5 p.m.

You, your spouse, and your kids age 6 and up can get your free flu shots when you register here. Choose one of these options:

  • If you have United Healthcare insurance through North Shore Bank, enter your UMR ID card number when registering.
  • If you have other health coverage and know it covers flu shots 100 percent, enter the insurance name and ID number when registering.
  • No insurance coverage? Select “I do not have private insurance” when registering.

If you can’t attend the on-site clinic, go to a participating Walgreens, Aurora Health Center, or your own physician and use your UMR ID or other insurance ID cards. If you don’t have insurance, pay for your flu shot and submit the receipt to Cindy Lohrey for reimbursement.

Please note that this is for the standard flu shot — not the COVID-19 vaccine.

When you register, make sure to fill in all required (*) personal and insurance information. If you need a thimerosal-free flu shot, select this option in the drop-down menu and notify the nurse at your appointment as well. Please arrive slightly before your scheduled appointment. Walk-ins will not be accepted at the clinic.

Questions? Ask HR rep Morgan Stark. See you soon!