Tag Archives: Issue 20221027

Burlington employees show their spooky spirit in pumpkin contest

After the success of last winter’s gingerbread village, the Burlington team decorated pumpkins for their customers to vote on. They went on display last Monday, October 17.

“The customers have really enjoyed them, and many have commented that they cannot choose just one to vote for!” branch manager AVP Robin Callis said. “Some have even offered some ideas for next year.”

Personal banker Jolene Cedeno decorated the spider pumpkin (number 1 in the photos). Robin did the witch’s legs (2). Universal banker Bryana Stagg did the Minions (3). Teller supervisor Jayme Clarey did the two-sided Toy Story pumpkin (4). And teller Emily Henry did the haunted house (5).

The branch will display the pumpkins and collect votes through Halloween on Monday. The employee whose pumpkin gets the most votes will win a gift card of their choice.