Tag Archives: Issue 20230105

Centennial plans will celebrate customers, communities, and you

Happy new year! 2023 is here at last — and with it, the North Shore Bank Centennial anniversary. This is just the beginning of a year full of celebration and surprises for our employees, customers, and communities.

We have a lot planned for this huge milestone, and over the months to come, you’ll hear about those plans in greater detail here in Shorelines and through Ask Seymour. For now, here’s a quick look at what’s coming.

For employees
As Mr. McKenna noted in his State of the Bank address, you — our incredibly dedicated, hardworking employees — are North Shore Bank’s competitive advantage. It’s because of you that our bank is standing strong after a century in business, and we’re excited about our centennial plans for employees.

  • Employees will each receive a polo shirt featuring the 100 Years icon. See “What’s New” on Ask Seymour for details, and be sure to place your order by next Friday, January 13.
  • Starting in February, employees will receive paid time off to volunteer in their communities. More information on this is coming soon.
  • North Shore Bank was incorporated on February 19, 1923, and we’re doing something special next month to recognize this important date.
  • An employee committee has been busy planning special Bank on Kindness activities for staff this year.
  • And save the date now for our company party — a family get-together at the Milwaukee County Zoo — on Sunday, September 10.

For customers
Any business is only as strong as the people it serves, so we’re also celebrating 100 years of having the very best customers.

  • Throughout the year, we’ll randomly surprise a retail customer at every branch — and retail customers who use our video tellers, as well — with $100 cash prizes! We’ll select several branches each month for these giveaways. Details will be communicated to branch managers.
  • Customers will also be greeted by some “celebrity” video tellers — there will be some fun surprises.
  • And in May, customers can enter to win a $1,000 weekly giveaway!

For our communities
We’ll be installing exterior signage promoting our 100th anniversary at select branches during April, in preparation for celebrations and events in our communities throughout the month of May:

  • The Corporate office will host local dignitaries and media for a Special Proclamation Day in honor of the centennial.
  • Billboards will help broadly promote the centennial.
  • We’ll release a special video featuring employees and customers sharing what North Shore Bank means to them.
  • And in other months, you can also look forward to special centennial editions of local business publications like Green Bay’s Insight magazine (February), BizTimes Milwaukee (March), and the Milwaukee Business Journal (July).

Those are just some of the bigger elements of our centennial celebration — we have even more plans in the works. Read Shorelines each week and check the “What’s New” section of Ask Seymour to stay on top of it all!