Reminder: Submit acts of kindness by tomorrow!

Burlington teller Emily Henry surprised the rest of her team with homemade banana bars. Showing them off with her is universal banker Bryana Stagg.
Our 100 Acts of Kindness challenge ends tomorrow. Performing a good deed is its own reward — but if you’d like to win a prize for it, here’s your last chance!
Click here for more on that — and to see how North Shore Bank employees have been making their colleagues, neighbors, and communities a little happier lately.
Throwback Thursday: Fireworks donations skyrocket

Former Pewaukee branch manager Patty Muehl presents a big check for $3,500 from North Shore Bank to Pewaukee fireworks organizers.
Things weren’t looking too bright in Pewaukee at start of summer 2013. Organizers had fallen far short of their fundraising goal for that year’s Fourth of July fireworks — bringing in only $4,000, rather than the $11,000 they’d hoped for at minimum. They regretfully announced that the show — a tradition in the lakeside village — would be canceled.
Enter North Shore Bank and the Pewaukee Fireworks Fund. On June 7, we announced we would match up to $3,500 in donations for the show — meaning that if our match was maxed out, the organizers would have the $7,000 they needed.
As it turned out, between North Shore’s help, a concurrent fundraiser held by Pick ’n Save grocery stores, and private donations, the fireworks show brought in over $13,000. It was a true community effort, with one organizer noting that “even a local 8-year‐old donated his birthday money and a couple other local kids sold lemonade a few weekends.” •••
More shenanigans pics highlight years of fun at NSB

The theme for this branch sales kickoff meeting — which took place in 1998 or ’99 — was “Sales Roundup,” recalls process risk analyst Ron Olson. “Branch managers divided up into groups and had to come up with a group name and write and perform a song around our theme,” he says. “Our group name was Ron and His Royettes. Since I’m not a singer, we wrote some cowboy poetry, which I recited with the Royettes softly singing ‘Happy Trails’ in the background.”
How much fun do we have at North Shore Bank? So much fun that we’ve got another week of shenanigans for you! Enjoy these photos of employees getting creative, silly, or downright goofy from over the years.
Fairfield impresses customer’s niece
District manager Cristen Baumann received this highly complimentary note about area manager Mark Fairfield. It reads:
I recently had two encounters with Mark, the manager at the Brookfield Capitol North Shore Bank.
He assisted me as trustee of my uncle’s accounts at your bank. Mark is a pleasure to work with. He was so prompt, efficient, and communicated back to me quickly.
You are very fortunate to have him as an employee. I appreciate all his help and wanted to acknowledge this.
“It is rare that I receive handwritten notes,” Cristen said. “And she isn’t even a customer — yet.” •••
Our online resources can help people avoid scams
If you haven’t checked out the bank’s Fraud Prevention Resource Center lately, now is a great time. We’ve recently updated the information there, which is provided to help our customers and others protect themselves from scams.
The center — which you can find here and under the Learning Center tab at — focuses on three main areas: identity theft protection, spotting and avoiding scams, and help for victims of fraud.
It also includes links to resources from Banzai on those topics and others, including cybersecurity, romance and dating scams, and scams targeting seniors. 03223
Give your customers a heads-up about this invaluable tool! The information in the Fraud Prevention Resource Center is free and can make a major difference in someone’s life — especially if they see it before getting scammed. •••
Fox Cities Kidz Expo offers day of family fun
What’s going on with you? If you or someone in your family has a special event — a concert, show, sporting or charity event, or another important moment — send the details to We’ll include information about select events to let your colleagues know about all the cool stuff happening with the North Shore Bank team.
Looking for more to do? Here are suggestions from the bank’s event calendar:
Presented by North Shore Bank and the Appleton Fox Cities Kiwanis Club, the 2023 Fox Cities Kidz Expo is a free family event filled with fun and educational opportunities. It takes place Saturday, April 15, at the Fox Cities Exhibition Center in downtown Appleton. More info here.
The Dairy State Beer & Cheese Festival takes place Saturday, April 15, at the Parkway Chateau in Kenosha. A fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, this event will feature Wisconsin cheeses, some of the state’s most sought-after beers, and great live music by Lynette and the Rock Daddys and the Big Style Brass Band. VIP ticket proceeds will go toward expanding attendance at the club’s Youth and Teen Center. Info on tickets and more here. •••