We held our first bankwide Spirit Day on Friday, March 31, to celebrate North Shore Bank’s centennial year. The theme was “Out Like a Lion,” in honor of our sponsorships of the Milwaukee County Zoo, the Racine Zoo, and Green Bay’s NEW Zoo & Adventure Park.
In keeping with the theme, employees were invited to wear their favorite animal print or other critter-themed clothing.

Anna, senior loan funding rep Kelly Thiemer, indirect funding team lead Ann Cain, senior loan funding reps Shannan Mahloch and Cathy Degner, and VP loan servicing manager Joe Fretschel with the pet food they donated to Elmbrook Humane Society.
Loan Servicing decided to use Spirit Day as an opportunity to spread kindness, buying and delivering food for the animals at Elmbrook Humane Society. “We wanted to make an impact with our contribution, and the largest local impact that we could,” senior loan funding rep Anna Morrison explained. The team looked at EHS’s online list of needs to see what to get. “We were able to provide food for dogs, cats, bunnies, guinea pigs, and birds — a whole lot of help for a wide variety of pets in need!”

Northland teller Char Schaible, teller supervisor Patt Kox, district manager Kerri Collins, and personal banker Kelly Kading.
The team at Northland dressed to show their animal spirit.

Jackson Park tellers Paulina Garcia and Diana Villanueva, Janet, personal banker Alexandra Calderon, and teller Fabiola Guel.
Jackson Park employees rocked leopard print to let everyone see their wild side. Teller supervisor Janet Rebholz borrowed some stuffed animals from her grandkids, too. “They didn’t mind me taking them for a visit to the bank for just one day,” she says, “as long as I made sure they made it home OK.”

Janet with the treats at Corporate.
Senior deposit operations specialist Janet Russell brought in theme-aligned treats for Spirit Day: Little Debbie Zebra Cakes, animal cookies, and animal crackers.

Senior deposit operations specialist Orlandrea Lesure, deposit services manager Natalie Canadeo, deposit operations supervisor Kristin Hoch, deposit operations rep Casey Kopacz, IRA specialist Martha Muskavitch, and Janet.
The rest of Deposit Services got dressed up right too.

VP customer support Jude Lengell, checking services manager Erica Johnson, loss prevention manager Nikki Shelton-Moss, and VP security/payments manager Lyneen Fischer.
So did other employees in the CSC.

Product manager Mary Ott, traveling teller Deb Price, and customer care rep Kari Tuyls at Green Bay East.
At Green Bay East, the animal prints were out in full force.

“He follows me around the pen hoping I have a brush in my hand,” Kristen says of the steer, who is a Chianina breed — or Chi, pronounced key, for short — and doesn’t have a name yet. “We call him ‘the red guy.’”
And although VP compliance Kristen Gagliano was using PTO Friday, she was with the rest of North Shore in spirit as she met with the veterinarian, who was giving her son’s cow a checkup. The 1-year-old steer will be shown at the Kenosha County Fair in August — and it’s not Kristen’s kids’ first time at the rodeo.
Have photos from Spirit Day? Send them to shorelines@northshorebank.com or use the submissions form.