An American Legion member disposes of a flag at a retirement ceremony in November 2015.
Heading into Memorial Day weekend, it’s a good time to share our appreciation for Stars and Stripes Honor Flight and Old Glory Honor Flight. The Wisconsin organizations send U.S. military veterans on free daylong trips by chartered jet to Washington, D.C., to see the monuments in our nation’s capital. North Shore Bank has a proud history of supporting these two groups, as well as doing other good work for our veterans.

Allouez area manager Mickey Adams helped out at a flag retirement ceremony in Green Bay in November 2016.

Former facilities and services manager Bob Effinger enjoys a red, white, and blue popsicle in a Captain America tee at a celebration of Corporate’s fundraiser for honor flights in 2012.
In 2011, former vice president consumer credit and collections Jim Saladin got to accompany a World War II veteran on an honor flight — or more technically, he accompanied about 150 of them. You can read about his experience here.
For many years, our branches collected worn-out American flags in the weeks leading up to Veterans Day in November. The flags were then properly disposed of by veterans and Boy Scouts in flag retirement ceremonies. Considered a sacred symbol, an American flag is supposed to be burned when it becomes too ragged or faded to be displayed any longer. Our flag collection drives typically included donations to both honor flight groups as well.
In 2012, Corporate employees raised $1,000 to send veterans on honor flights. Some employees also shared words of praise for the veterans in their families with Shorelines — you can read them here.
And in 2021, as part of our ongoing Bank on Kindness initiative, North Shore Bank employees helped raise almost $10,000 for honor flights for Wisconsin veterans. Over the long holiday weekend, please remember the veterans in your life, too.