Tag Archives: SOAR Surveys

SOAR Together surveys changing to one-question format

By Sue Doyle, SVP, Retail Banking

The bank is changing the format of our internal SOAR Together branch/department surveys.

Instead of asking for feedback on each SOAR Together attribute, we will now be using a one-question survey that asks the respondent to rate the branch or department on how easy it is to do business with them. The new format will look like this:

Respondents will be asked to base their rating on the branch or department’s delivery of the SOAR Together service qualities, as shown on this survey front page:

Respondents will have the opportunity to provide examples showing why it is or isn’t easy to do business with the branch or department they rated, and to recognize employees in that area for their service. We encourage you to share examples and written comments when you respond to a SOAR Together survey, because that information helps us understand what we do well and where we can improve, and also enables us to recognize top performers. Thank you for your help!