Jonesy and Colleen with Sebastian (center).
Deposit operations rep Debra “Jonesy” Jones and customer assistance manager VP Colleen Egan showed off their St. Patrick’s Day spirit in front of the holiday tree on the 4th Floor at Corporate, joined by Customer Support Center mascot Sebastian, who spends most of his time lounging by the tree.

Pulaski teller supervisor Karen Jach, teller Deb Hoida, community engagement manager AVP Katie Longsine, and universal banker Zach Burmeister.
The Pulaski team put on green and grabbed their pots o’ gold for a pic — part of a North District challenge focused on conversations and checking accounts.

Clockwise from bottom left: Northside teller Lexi Lawler, mortgage loan originator Susan Liedl, Kelly, and branch manager Lisa Brooks.
Staff at Northside dressed for St. Patrick’s Day and celebrated teller supervisor Kelly Elliott’s birthday with a gift, balloons, flowers, chocolate cake, and a cookie from Crumbl to enjoy at home.
Of sharing her birthday with the holiday, Kelly said: “I get asked a lot if I am Irish, and if I am named Kelly because of the holiday — at least a dozen times each year. Sadly, I am not Irish, but I was named for the holiday.”

Scott and Dan wearing their prizes.
Information Systems did some St. Patrick’s Day–themed activities after their team meeting last Friday. Systems analyst Dan Fregoso won the word search and a green lei, and help desk/telecom tech Scott Pagliaroni took home a lovely emerald boa for dominating in the word jumble.

Brookfield Square teller Karen Pofahl, teller supervisor Carmen Maurer, area manager Maria Baumer, personal banker Peg Siebauer, assistant branch manager Mariella Zarb, and teller Raysha Marrero Camacho.
Brookfield Square branch staff dressed up for St. Pat’s and celebrated the bank’s centennial too.

Front: Sara Coppersmith. Back row, from left: Lisa Thompson, Judith Dean, Brenda Newton, Maribeth Osmundsen, Shannan Mahloch, Rose Keller, Dana Durocher, Anna Morrison, Mari Schill, and Diane Bahringer.
And 5th Floor employees at Corporate got their green on as well.