Daisy getting her treat from Christine.
North Shore Bank employees have enjoyed visits from furry, feathered, and funny friends this month!
Daisy and her human, Molly, come into the New Berlin branch every week to make a business deposit. On this trip, the pooch got a withdrawal too — in the form of a treat from teller Christine Moyses. After that, branch manager Sara Swosinski says, “Daisy was all smiles!”

Wanting to hear more about “SOAR Together.”
Seymour might have spread the word about this month’s terrific checking promotion, prompting this rock pigeon to stop by the Kenosha Main branch, says universal banker Noemi Faz. She jokes, “Wanted to make sure not to miss out on that gift card!”

Grogu — formerly known as Baby Yoda — on Amy’s desk.
And to celebrate Star Wars Day on May 4, training specialist Amy Ruffalo brought in everybody’s favorite green Force user, Grogu. “I would definitely describe myself as a big Star Wars fan!” Amy says. “I was super excited to have a reason to bring my foundling to class with me.”